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Diamonds in the Sky
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Diamonds in the Sky

Beaufort Sea, Alaska - 2018
Beaufort Sea, Alaska

This was a hugely exciting morning on the North Slope of Alaska. I think we deserved it because the previous 72 hours had been very tough both weather wise and content wise. Regardless, we fancied our chances from about 5am as the storm passed. We had done our homework and had the very best local guide. It's moments like this and images like this that make all the compromises so worthwhile. We are very privileged to work so closely with such a magnificent animal as the adult polar bear.
The hard thing, as many know, about working from a small boat in choppy seas, is that the camera moves in step with the boat. This is tough enough on a small lens, but with a big lens it's very challenging indeed. Throw in subzero temperatures and a wind chill and we have a true test of one’s ability to work in tough conditions. I am glad no one can see some of the pictures I took in that sequence - they were of the sky!

It's moments like this and images like this that make all the compromises so worthwhile.

David Yarrow
Print sizes


37" x 54" Unframed

52" x 69” Framed

Edition of 12


56" x 82" Unframed

71" x 97" Framed

Edition of 12

Funnel CreekDiamonds in the SkyDon't Go Chasing WaterfallsKaktovikTake OffThe North RemembersHello78 Degrees NorthThe Bird on the BeachFace OffCatchThe New Kids on the Block