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It's Closing Time
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It's Closing Time

Nevada City, Montana - 2016
Nevada City, Montana

We had the saloon in Nevada City - it is such a good facade.

David Yarrow
Printing and framing
Printing and framing
Print sizes


37" x 57" Unframed

52" x 72" Framed

Edition of 12


56" x 87" Unframed

71" x 102" Framed

Edition of 12

LakotaPersons of InterestThe Late ShiftShackletonThe Old TestamentMontanaPride RockIt was the Whiskey TalkingBuffalo Joe'sRock StarThe Richest Hill in the WorldThe Full Nine YardsThe PrizeMinturn SaloonFrozen MountainBlackfeet NationThe Usual SuspectsLocked and LoadedIt's Closing TimeSavuteO Captain! My Captain!MarshlandsRelentlessOne Foot on the GroundWalk the LineSilent WitnessGenesisSmooth CriminalsThorLunchCome Fly With MeIndecent ProposalSmokey the Mountain LionThe LandlordLeadville