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Mexico City, Mexico - 1986
Mexico City, Mexico

The photograph was taken on film way back in 1986, so the quality is not quite what can be achieved today. Nevertheless, it captures an historic moment in time and Diego Maradona will always be an iconic figure in the history of the beautiful game. I still remember the day as if it were yesterday and I was so fortunate to have my moment in the complete chaos after the trophy presentation when 5,000 Argentinian fans ran widely amongst the players and the press corp. Maradona, riding high on Argentinian shoulders, looked straight at me - arms aloft with the trophy in his right hand. Little did I know, then as a 20 year old, that I had a photograph that would end up being the third best selling sports image of all time.

Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

I owe Diego Maradona a lot - I'm not quite sure what my career would have looked like if I never took this photo.

David Yarrow
Print sizes


30" x 45" Unframed

45" x 60" Framed

Edition of 40

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