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The Sheriff's Daughter
Behind the scenes
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The Sheriff's Daughter

Crazy Mountain Ranch, Montana - 2022
Crazy Mountain Ranch, Montana

The intricate layout for this picture was preconceived before I went to bed the previous night. I knew that as soon as the sun rose above the buildings the light would be too harsh to work and that there could be no time for compositional pondering during the shoot. The camera angle needed flat light not aggressive shadows and the weather forecast suggested that we would need to be finished no later than 8.15 am.

So, it was cold conditions when the cast began assembling at 6.15am. Josie Canseco - a girl I often use in shoots - is tough and she showed it that morning. We know each other well and we can swear at each other without offence. It was minus 20 degrees on set and she wasn't wearing much but that is how Josie rolls. I like familiarity; to call on new talent that I did not know for a shoot like this would have been commercial suicide.

We did indeed wrap by 8.10am, just before the sun started to dart around the set. This photograph is a keeper. I can look at it for a long time without losing interest and that is always my acid test. There was so much information to include in one still frame without losing Josie’s sovereignty and we all needed to work very quickly because I was racing against the rising sun. The whole team did a great job that day.

I do think Westerns have been too male dominated, almost to the point of parody, and in my anthology to the Wild West, there is much more of a balance. We have, however, been most selective with the women we have used. They have all been blockbuster women with presence, intelligence and attitude; no more so than the Sheriff’s daughter in this image.

But I am making no major point in this image; I am having fun and telling stories. There are no lofty ambitions other than to entertain and execute well.

Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

This photograph is a keeper. I can look at it for a long time without losing interest and that is always my acid test.

David Yarrow
Print sizes


30" x 69" Unframed

45" x 78" Framed

Edition of 12


44" x 103" Unframed

59" x 118" Framed

Edition of 12

The Sheriff's DaughterThe Break UpOnce Upon a Time in The WestRaising ArizonaThe Longhorn SaloonThe WaitGame of PistolsRodeoHot and ColdFour sixesAin't My First RodeoSummitThe ResidentsBarbieThe RancherLiving Without BordersHustlersThe LandladyThe Girl with the Golden GunDroversParisWagon Wheel8 BallThe No Name SaloonThe Snow PatrolThe RockiesFargoSaturday Night LiveThere Will be BloodWestworldMeet the FockersTennesse WhiskeyUntamedSoufflé RisingHostile TerritoryThe Unusual SuspectsNo Turning BackThe GetawayThe Mining TownNo CurrencyThe Last Chance SaloonThe BorderRoute 66The Lost Horse Saloon1880Coyote UglyMore Usual SuspectsThe Girl and the WolfTrue GritThe Quick and the DeadDeadwoodAmarillo by MorningAces and EightsThe American DreamHot ChicksCindy's Shotgun WeddingDead or AliveHow the West Was WonRed DeadThe Magnificent SevenEasy RiderRed Dead RedemptionDjangoDead Man's Chest3:10 to YumaThe Manifest DestinyGo West Young ManNo Country for Old MenThe Rio GrandeRoad Trip1895ChicagoThe Empty Pockets SaloonThe Shift