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White Lines

Amboseli, Kenya - 2020
Amboseli, Kenya

This photograph - taken a few days ago in Lewa Downs in Kenya - was preconceived, but the execution as many will know is damn tough.

Grevy's zebra - by far the most aesthetically spoilt of the species - are skitiish and do not tend to allow a vehicle too close.

After a while, they get fed up and the best chance is always in the first few minutes. A telephoto lens can mitigate the problem, but only so far. The key thing is to have an excellent driver who knows exactly what your intent is and can manage a jeep in the most bumpy of terrains.

My driver, guide and friend - Andy Campbell - tried with me for 2 days a month ago and all I got was a sore arse. But we came back, with new ideas and in particular a new lens, a few days ago and we finally got what we were looking for.

Its a bit like fishing I guess, you simply have to put in the time and know your detail.

My driver, guide and friend - Andy Campbell - tried with me for 2 days a month ago and all I got was a sore arse.

David Yarrow
Print sizes


37” x 53” Unframed

52” x 68” Framed

Edition of 12


56” x 80” Unframed

71” x 95” Framed

Edition of 12

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