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Royal Ascot
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Royal Ascot

Mana Pools, Zimbabwe - 2017
Mana Pools, Zimbabwe

Mana Pools, on the Zimbabwe side of the Zambezi, is a raw wildlife experience. There are no glamour camps and very few visitors. But therein lies its charm and allure. It was a great thrill to spend time in Mana with David Pocock – flanker for the Australian Rugby team – and his partner – Emma. Dave was born in Zim and when he hangs up his famous boots, conservation in his native country will no doubt become a large part of his life. It was quite a revelation to find that this colossus of a man, was able to correctly pair every bird sound with the right bird. He even has a bird sound app on his iPad. Life is full of surprises.

The rainy season had just finished and so it was still very green in Mana Pools, making it a challenge to come home with something special. With such an illustrious assistant, I felt under a little pressure to perform and until Sunday morning, the cupboard was distinctly bare.

We focused on one pool and one enormous hippo, but I just could not get close enough or low enough.

Plan A – working with 25 feet extensions poles, which Dave – being a strong lad – held steady for long periods of time – was fruitless. Plan B was simply to be brave and that morning at 6.30 am, I managed to crawl within 15 yards of the hippo. When he surfaced and mock charged me, it all came together perfectly. Thank goodness – by getting it wrong, we learnt how to get it right.

When he surfaced and mock charged me, it all came together perfectly.

David Yarrow
Print sizes


37" x 37" Unframed

52" x 52" Framed

Edition of 12


46" x 46" Unframed

61" x 61" Framed

Edition of 12

The SuperheroThe Happy BearBrutusThe Jungle Book StoriesJawsThe KillerThe Queen of RanthamboreRoyal AscotDon't Go Chasing WaterfallsThe StatesmanTedWakandaThe Last DanceThe DonPredatorThe CaveWhite HorsesThe Big ChillRisky BusinessThe DreamThe Fisher KingSavuteThe DepartedGlen EtiveWhite RushThe Last Supper in ChicagoThe River MonsterThe Fur CoatThe ThinkerTaking FlightThorWise GuysWonderwallBrigitteIntentWhite LinesLunchSwan LakeSmokey the Mountain LionThe Emperor of the North