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Amboseli, Kenya - 2012
Amboseli, Kenya

This is a special picture taken in a special place. Amboseli is the best canvas in the world on which to photograph elephants. In late October the lake is dry and huge herds make the daily trip across the scorched earth in search of water. This group contained elephants of every age and they composed themselves with great consideration for my lens. The protective instincts of the adult on the right of the image draw the eye in to the centre of the photograph. When I took the picture, there was no other vehicle within at least five miles – that is the joy of Amboseli.

Behind the scenes

Amboseli is the best canvas in the world on which to photograph elephants

David Yarrow
Print sizes


37" x 58" Unframed

52" x 74" Framed

Edition of 20


56" x 88.5" Unframed

71" x 104" Framed

Edition of 20

Dawn CommuteFully EngagedEthereal DuneHeaven Can WaitThe Walk of LifeShowtimeTwinsSnap ShotColossusKingdomNarniaElephant UprisingI am Black PantherThe HunterKeeping up With the CrouchesDesert FlightWe Are FamilyDexterSpace for GiantsThe DonHoof ItRemains of the DayTimFamilyAcaciaFollow the LeaderThe Old Man and the SeaKongPumbaaMudThe WitnessThe PatricianSuccessionExodusEmmaThe Lion's DenFields of GoldThe Gathering StormThe River MonsterThe Secret RhinoSquadFirst DownParallel LinesThe CrossingMarvelAfricaSex PantherCraigTiny DancerThe Circle of LifeThe Morning ShowScarfaceLugardThe New TestamentSerengetiThe Bills