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Katmai National Park, Alaska - 2018
Katmai National Park, Alaska

1000 lb adult male brown bears, or grizzlies, are apex predators. They will eat almost anything. But for a few weeks every year, sockeye salmon are the easiest meal they will get and they will not threaten photographers so long as their territory is not encroached.

This image of a massive bear was captured with remote controlled cameras at a bend in Moraine Creek that I know only too well. That makes me either insane or at the very least slightly odd. I must have spent several days waiting at this point in the river over the last few years and this is the best image yet. I just wanted to convey size and sovereignty - nothing else really mattered, although the real sense of place in the image is a bonus. This is raw Alaska at its best.

Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes

“ I just wanted to convey size and sovereignty - nothing else really mattered

David Yarrow
Print sizes


37" x 54" Unframed

52" x 69" Framed

Edition of 12

BearishBear MarketThe Happy BearBrutusThe Jungle Book StoriesJawsIce QueenThe KillerThe Queen of RanthamboreRoyal AscotDon't Go Chasing WaterfallsThe StatesmanTedThe Last DancePredatorNorth of the WallMy Place or YoursWhite HorsesThe Big ChillRisky BusinessWet Wet WetThe DreamThe Fisher KingGlen EtiveWhite RushBear IslandThe Fur CoatTaking FlightBrigitteIntentPrimevalThe North SlopeSwan LakeThe Emperor of the North