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The Killer
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The Killer

Ranthambore National Park, India - 2013
Ranthambore National Park, India

Since 2010, this handsome man-eating tiger has killed two villagers in Rajasthan, but T24 – as he is unimaginatively known – is still revered locally. Our brief encounter at fifteen feet was a piece of huge luck because tigers are now so rare, and they are even rarer in a backlit watering hole at sunrise. They are magical animals and the chance to take a portrait in a dark water environment free of any tension points was a moment of great fortune. In twenty eight hours of driving around Ranthambore with the most experienced of guides, this was my only encounter of any note with India’s most magnificent animal. This powerful tiger portrait will stand the test of time – I know that simply because I know that I can’t really do much better, and I do always want to do better.

They are magical animals and the chance to take a portrait in a dark water environment free of any tension points was a moment of great fortune.

David Yarrow
Print sizes


37" x 60" Unframed

52" x 76" Framed

Edition of 20


56" x 92" Unframed

71" x 107" Framed

Edition of 20

The Happy BearHarbinThe SiberianBrutusThe Jungle Book StoriesJawsThe KillerGood Morning SiberiaSnowcatThe Queen of RanthamboreRoyal AscotDon't Go Chasing WaterfallsTedThe Last DancePredatorThe CaveWhite HorsesThe Big ChillRisky BusinessThe DreamThe Fisher KingGlen EtiveWhite RushThe Fur CoatTaking FlightBrigitteIntentPreciousSwan LakeThe Emperor of the North