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The Jungle Book Stories
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The Jungle Book Stories

Ranthambore National Park, India - 2013
Ranthambore National Park, India

There are only about 1,700 Royal Bengal Tigers left in India – a frightening decline from the estimated 100,000 during the Raj. Therefore, to find a father and son bathing in the same pool in the jungle was statistically unlikely. Photographers cannot direct wild tigers and thus the positioning of the animals relative to the surroundings or each other is matter of luck. Overtime, luck will average out, but the placement of the adult tiger’s left ear covering his son’s right eye enhances a picture which evokes jungle book stories. I like the lone eye to the right – even though it’s outside my focal plane, it ironically grabs our focused eyes.

Overtime, luck will average out, but the placement of the adult tiger’s left ear covering his son’s right eye enhances a picture which evokes jungle book stories.

David Yarrow
Print sizes


37" x 37" Unframed

52" x 52" Framed

Edition of 20


56" x 56" Unframed

71" x 71" Framed

Edition of 20

The SiberiansThe Happy BearHarbinBrutusThe Jungle Book StoriesJawsThe KillerThe Queen of RanthamboreRoyal AscotDon't Go Chasing WaterfallsTedThe Last DancePredatorWhite HorsesThe Big ChillRisky BusinessThe DreamThe Fisher KingGlen EtiveWhite RushThe Fur CoatTaking FlightBrigitteIntentSwan LakeThe Emperor of the North